Fees & Registration

Speed Skate PEI 2024-25 Registration Platform

Speed Skate PEI’s 2024-25 regular season will run from late September until approximately mid-March 2025.

To register, please complete our Online Registration Form: https://icereg.ca/#!/events/speed-skating-pei-20242025 .

For complete descriptions of our programs, please see our Skating Programs page.

The 2024-25 fees are as follows:


Program Speed Skate PEI Fee Speed Skating Canada Fee Total fee
non-City resident
Total fee
Charlottetown resident** < 18 yrs
Learn to Skate $315 Club Athlete: $10 $325 $205
Learn to Skate (Twice per week) $450 Club Athlete: $10 $460 $340
Learn to Speed Skate $340 Club Athlete: $10 $350 $230
Intermediate $740 Club Athlete: $10 $750 $630
Advanced and High Performance Speed Skating $1160 Club Athlete: $10
Provincial Athlete: $49
National Athlete: $71
Adult Rec Speed Skating $308 Club Athlete: $10 $318 N/A
Adult Rec 2 Speed Skating*** $515 Club Athlete: $10
Provincial Athlete: $49
National Athlete: $71
Out of Province Skater $55 Club Athlete: $10
Provincial Athlete: $49
National Athlete: $71

Speed Skating Canada (“SSC”) fees and membership classes are outlined in SSC-Membership-Structure-May-31-2023.

Club Athlete: for a skater who participates in recreational and introductory programming and/or participates in regional competitions only (Dieppe, our Atlantic Cup, etc.).

Provincial Athlete: for a skater who participates in the Canadian Youth Championships (i.e. Canada-East), provincial championships and or inter-provincial competitions.

National Athlete: for a skater who participates in Senior or Junior Canadian Championships, Canada Cups, or the Canada Winter games.

Skate rental fees:
Boots and blades – $100
Boots only – $55
Blades only – $55

Funding Opportunities:
We encourage eligible families to take advantage of funding opportunities such as KidSport and Jumpstart. For information on KidSport, click here. For information on Jumpstart, click here.

Note: newcomers to PEI who have moved from outside Canada and believe they meet the KidSport criteria, but do not have the Canadian proof of income documentation should contact IRSA PEI for help with their KidSport application.

Payment policies:
All athletes must have completed their registration and full payment within IceReg before participants will be permitted on the ice. This helps Speed Skating PEI volunteers with their preparation for the season. Alternative payment options may be considered in rare circumstances: the onus is on the athlete/parent to email such requests to the President and/or Treasurer of our club at least one week prior to the first time on ice.

Program withdrawals:
Speed Skating Canada does not refund their fees after the program start date.

Skaters may elect to withdraw by emailing info@speedskatepei.ca with their request. In this case they will receive the following refund from their Speed Skating PEI fees:

If prior to their third regularly scheduled session, then 95% of the fees will be refunded,
If prior to November 1st, then 60% of the fees will be refunded,
If prior to December 15th, then 40% of the fees will be refunded, or
If prior to January 30th, then 20% of the fees will be refunded.

Cancelled practices:
No refunds or credits will be issued for practices that are cancelled due to inclement weather, concerts, or other sporting or special events. Our fees are set with the expectation that a number of regular ice times will be cancelled each season. Registration fees will not be pro-rated for skaters who can’t attend all practices at regularly scheduled times.

Competition Fees:
Regional and national competitions set their own registration fees for each competition and these fees are paid directly by the competitor.

** City of Charlottetown subsidy for residents is up to 50% of the registration fee to a maximum of $120
*** The Adult Rec 2, Advanced, and High Performance Speed Skating Programs are by coach invite only, please see the Skating Programs page for more information.