Speed Skate PEI runs an extensive skate rental program. We currently have over seventy five pairs of skates available to rent. The Club endeavours to have rental equipment available for all skaters who want to rent skates, but members must be aware that their size or a particular pair of skates may not be available.
Over the last few years, Club fund raising efforts have been such that we have been able to purchase additional skates when there has been a short fall in available skates. Unfortunately, when new skates must be purchased, they are not always available at the beginning of the season. Further, there may be years when the Club is not in a financial position to purchase skates.
New skates can be bought from several sources, primarily over the Internet. Please discuss skate purchase with one of the coaches if you are interested and consult the Club website for links to several of the commonly used sources of skates and other skating equipment. Used skates are generally easy to sell (the Club will also buy second hand equipment from skaters for the rental program if needed) and you can usually recoup a reasonable portion of the purchase cost of new or used equipment.
We supply rental skates both to minimize the financial outlay required by parents and to make it easy for skaters to try out the sport. However, once skaters are in the program and using our rental skates, we feel it is important that they continue to be able to access appropriate skates. Many skaters would like to have the same skates back if they still fit.
Therefore, the following procedure is generally used for registration and skate rental.
1. The first registration/skate rental session will be open only to returning skaters, with more senior skaters attending the earlier parts of the session
2. Subsequent registration/skate rental sessions will be open to all new skaters and those skaters who missed the previous sessions.
3. If a skater wishes to have skates from the previous year, they must be present at the beginning of their applicable registration session time to have the best chance of obtaining the desired skates.
When complete skates or blades only are rented, they will come provided with a pair of blade covers to protect the blades and a set of hard walking guards. If you fail to return the hard and soft guards, a fee to replace them will be assessed.